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Discerning Missional Leadership (DML)

Discerning Missional Leadership (DML)
co-hosted with 1001 NWCs

Date:               Monday, September 29 – Friday, October 3

Location:         Decatur PC Building

Leaders:          Michael Gerhling (1001) and Lindsay Armstrong (NCDC)

Organizers:      Lindsay Armstrong and Ad Hoc NCDC Staff (paid by 1001)

Overview:        Designed for those wondering if they are called to start a new worshiping community and limited to 18 people, this is open to ordained and non-ordained Atlantans and people across the PCUSA who are discerning.  Registration is first come, first serve.  Atlantans interested should speak first to Lindsay before registering. 

Board member referrals are welcome.

Information and Registration Link.

September 13

Third Annual Biscuits and Blessings Annual Review Celebration

October 13

1001 National Gathering