NCDC’s Mission is to enrich lives through the development of new worshiping communities where faith and real life intersect.
NCDC’s Vision is to create a vibrant ecosystem which empowers every new worshiping community and its leadership to thrive.
NCDC’s Goal is to catalyzes new communities by offering LINCSS:
Our Story
Founded in 1982, the original purpose of the NCDC was to identify entrepreneurial leaders and establish a clear, agile path for new congregations to build and grow. Through grassroots efforts supported by the larger community of Presbyterians, new worshiping communities began to form.
Between 1985 and 2000, the NCDC guided 11 churches through the chartering process. By 2010, the growth of new congregations had flourished to the point that the NCDC was incorporated, which expanded opportunities for fundraising, calling leaders, and taking fast steps toward establishing new worshiping communities. Currently, the NCDC works with over 30 new worshiping communities and charters an average of one new church per year.
Between 2001 and 2013, this work was the collaborative effort of leaders from three Presbyteries: Cherokee, Northeast Georgia, and Greater Atlanta. In 2014, the NCDC returned from a tri-Presbytery effort to one primarily led by leaders in Greater Atlanta.
Over time, the purpose of the NCDC has remained the same: to increase the visibility and viability of fresh expressions of church; to encourage innovation in the church; to assess, train, and bring on board the leaders needed for such a time as this; and to catalyze the development of new worshiping communities. We continue to connect and partner with various organizations, churches, and leaders to carry out the work of this ministry. Thank you for your connection and support.